Dear Friends,

I’m thrilled to announce the Revolutionary Love Learning Hub! How do we build beloved community? What are the essential tools and practices we need? Four years in the making, our online learning hub is now live and ready for you!

Explore our free online learning hub, complete with an educator’s guide, a reader’s guide, and the revolutionary love compass!

This learning hub is the culmination of four years of research and collaboration, led by Dr. Melissa Canlas, Education Director of the Revolutionary Love Project and Professor of Education at the University of San Francisco. I worked closely with Melissa while crafting the framework for revolutionary love and writing my book See No Stranger. Meanwhile, Melissa led a team of research fellows in the fields of neuroscience, psychology, ethics, education, peace-building and public health. Drawing from multi-disciplinary research, she wrote a cutting-edge curriculum. The result: a research-backed, wisdom-infused learning tool for building beloved community.

This learning hub is free of charge. We created this resource for everyone, everywhere. This would not be possible without all your support and donations the last few years.

Now, we need your help to spread the word! Forward this post, especially to the educators in your life! Click to share about the learning hub on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

This is just the beginning. We plan to expand this learning hub over time with tools for families and children, elementary schools, faith groups, and more. Click here to donate to support this education work.

We are here to inspire and equip a critical mass of people, all across the nation, to seed pockets of revolutionary love right where they are. Revolutions do not happen only in grand public moments, but in spaces where people are coming together to inhabit a new way of being. Together we will transition our society into a healthy, multiracial future anchored in love.


Watch my welcome video! Inside this learning hub:

#1 The Revolutionary Love Compass: Ten core practices of revolutionary love, brought to life through definitions, illustrations, and home practices.

#2 Educator’s Guide: A comprehensive curriculum to teach revolutionary love, designed for high school and college classrooms and adult learners. You can use this as an individual or as part of a group.

#3 Reader’s Guide: A tool for discussion and reflection as you read See No Stranger.

#1 The Revolutionary Love Compass: Explore each of the ten core practices of revolutionary love. Enter each “doorway” to learn how to bring that practice into your life.

#2 Educator’s Guide: Calling all teachers, professors, faith leaders, community leaders, and learners of all kinds! Use these lesson plans to bring revolutionary love to your classroom or community. Download the guide for a suggested donation or for free.

We drew from wisdom past and present, from the Black Lives Matter movement to disability justice, Grace Lee Boggs to bell hooks, in order to build this educational experience for you.

#3 The Reader’s Guide: Dive deeper into Valarie Kaur’s book See No Stranger with provocative questions and writing prompts on revolutionary love. Use this guide as an individual or as part of a reader’s group.

Join Valarie for an Instagram Live @ValarieKaur to explore the learning hub together and discover ways you can use it in your life. We’ll see you Thursday, April 1st, 12pm PST!