Dear Friends,

I know that you are hurting. Maybe you are feeling constriction in your chest, shallow breath, a clenched jaw. Our bodies are responding to the trauma and terror of this past week, even if you aren’t feeling much of anything at all. The violence and insurrection at our nation’s capital was an assault on our democracy – and on all of us. We need accountability and justice and a strong vision for the country we could become. How do we lead with love, even now?

I believe the People’s Inauguration is more urgent than ever.

On January 20th, we will celebrate democracy at work as a new President and historic Vice President make an oath of office. Then on January 21st, we will come together virtually and make our own commitment to do our part in building a nation with liberty and justice for all. We begin with an inspiring live kick-off event at 9AM PT / 12PM ET followed by virtual conversations, musical performances, reflections and visions for America. We invite you to participate with us! We have lesson plans for teachers, templates for faith leaders, guides for parents to create an experience with their children around the dinner table, and more. Everything you need is here.

This is just the beginning.

Starting on January 21st, join me in a ten day teaching series called “The People’s Inauguration: 10 Days to Activate Revolutionary Love” for inspiration, stories, and tools that anchor us in courage and wisdom.

We’ve partnered with Sounds True on this free series to help us deepen our commitment to heal, reimagine, and rebuild together. We’ll explore what it means to see no stranger, to tend the wound even of our opponents, and to breathe and push so that we can summon the bravery required of us now.

Each morning, I’ll share a teaching with you based on one of the ten core practices of revolutionary love. In the evenings we’ll gather, and I will host live conversations with 30 visionaries, faith leaders, movement leaders, artists, and healers including Rev. William J. Barber IIadrienne maree brown, Sister Simone Campbell, America Ferrera, Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson, Van Jones, Rev. Otis Moss III, Baratunde Thurston, Van JonesRev. angel Kyodo Williams, and  Allie Young. On the final day, our sister Ani DiFranco will join us with a live performance of Revolutionary Love – the song she wrote for us.

I know the stakes have never felt higher in our lifetime. I know the flames are burning all around us. This is the moment to recommit to the labor. Each of us has a role in building an America where all of us are safe and free to flourish. Let’s do it together and let’s do it with love.

In Chardi Kala — even in darkness, ever-rising joy,


3 Ways to Participate in the People’s Inauguration:

  1. Tune in to the kick off on January 21st at 9AM PT / 12PM ET at Then throughout the day, watch, listen, and interact with visionaries, faith leaders, civic leaders, artists, educators, and healers while we explore ways to seek justice, heal, and lead with love. Follow along on InstagramFacebook, and Twitter.
  2. Create your own People’s Inauguration event or experience! Bring your friends, family, students, or community together (virtually). Sign-up here to access templates to guide you!Post your oath (the text, a video or image of you taking it) on social media with the hashtags #PeoplesInauguration and #RebuildingTheUnion.
  3. Join me for the 10-day teaching series, “10 Days to Activate Revolutionary Love” from January 21st to 31st.Watch conversations among the greatest thinkers and healers of our time. Find the inspiration, stories, tools, and practices you need. Discern your role in this era of great transition with love as your compass.



The People’s Inauguration logo and header design (c) Obey Giant Art Inc.